by Yvette
The very first day I met Erin, I realized how great of a man you were without even meeting you. She talked about you all the time. She talked about how you help her with Jack, how she always goes to your house just to spend time with you and how much she is grateful for you.
I came to this country from Hungary 12 years ago and since then I’ve had a son of my own. All of my family is still in Hungary, and with all of Erin's talk about how much you are a part of her and Jack’s lives it made me jealous in a way. It made me want that again. Then one day I went to your house for a BBQ. You welcomed me and my son Drake into your family like we were one of your own and I finally felt that family feeling again. You and Bill have helped me out with Drake when I had no one else to turn to. Being a single parent it gets hard sometimes. And for Drake it’s hard to. It’s really just the two of us. You and your family were brought into my life at the time I needed it most and I am very thankful for that. Drake absolutely loves going to “Grandpa” and “Uncle Bill’s” house. He talks about you guys all the time. Thank you for giving him that sense of “family”.
Yvette and Drake
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