by Perry
I've known Tim for many years, being introduced to the Silva family by way of friendship with Tom whom I met in 1st Grade. Tim was just Tom's older brother and because we were so young I didn't really pay attention to Tim early on, but I remember the time when Tom and I had to have been 17 yrs old or so, and Tom went to visit Tim at his apartment in Long Beach. I tagged along. This was when I really got to meet the man who had created the bedroom and the door with all the black light posters and awesome drawings that had amazed me when I first saw them. Since that time I have always felt welcome when I have been with Tim. More like a brother than just a friend. Tim turned me on to all kinds of music that I may have missed otherwise, early John Denver, Arlo Guthrie, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band and a host of Southern Rockers. He also taught me how to look at life at times. I was in my mid twenties just divorced and not handling it well, when Tim had thought about moving up to Modesto he asked me if I wanted move as well I was hesitant and he looked at me and gave me words of advice I still remember today. "you don't have anything tying you here and you can be poor anywhere". The move to Modesto never happened but the advice was sound. So many years, so many stories the duplex on Euclid , Poco big happy Dane that wanted to be a lap dog, Volleyball at Stearns Park, all these and more.all time spent with Tim ,his family and good friends. I don't know if I would somehow be different if I had never met Tim , Tom, Rody,and Tony, but I do know my life has been enriched by the friendship we share.
One more story I hope Tim remembers: My dad had some brick work done by Tim and his Dad, (both excellent brick masons.) My younger brother came out of the house to see what they were doing. My mother called out to him to put on play clothes if he was going outside. My embarrassed brother replied,"Mom! I'm 15! I don't wear play clothes!"
Thanks Tim for all the good times gone and all of them to come. Love you like a brother.
One more story I hope Tim remembers: My dad had some brick work done by Tim and his Dad, (both excellent brick masons.) My younger brother came out of the house to see what they were doing. My mother called out to him to put on play clothes if he was going outside. My embarrassed brother replied,"Mom! I'm 15! I don't wear play clothes!"
Thanks Tim for all the good times gone and all of them to come. Love you like a brother.
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